Section: Dissemination


Undergraduate teaching

  • Licence : Practical programing in Coq (L3), Cyril Cohen (32h). École Polytechnique. France.

  • Licence : Practical programing in Java (L3), Cyril Cohen (32h). École Polytechnique. France.

  • Licence :Fundamentals of programming (L3), Chantal Keller (32h). École Polytechnique. France.

  • Licence :Fundamentals of programming and algorithms (M1), Chantal Keller. École Polytechnique. France.

  • Licence :Fundamentals of programming (L3), Victor Magron (32h). École Polytechnique. France.

  • Licence :Fundamentals of programming and algorithms (M1), Victor Magron. École Polytechnique. France.

  • Master : Gilles Dowek has given a course together with Maël Pegny on Church's thesis at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

  • Training of High school teachers : Gilles Dowek has given a course to volunteer high school teachers on the principle of programming languages. The course aims at training high-school teachers, since computer science will be taugh in high school starting September 2012.

  • Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI): “Proof Assistants” (M2), Bruno Barras (16h), Assia Mahboubi (9h). École Polytechnique, France.

Research Schools


  • Gilles Dowek has supervised the Master level (M1) internship of Tomás Lugenstrass.

  • PhD : Mathieu Boespflug, Conception d'un noyau de vérification de preuves pour le λΠ-calcul modulo, École Polytechnique, January 2011, Gilles Dowek.

  • PhD : François Garillot, Generic Proof Tools and Finite Group Theory, École Polytechnique, December 2011, Benjamin Werner

  • PhD : Arnaud Spiwack, Calculs vérifiés en algèbre homologique, École Polytechnique, March 2011, Thierry Coquand, Benjamin Werner

In progress
  • PhD in progress : Bruno Bernardo, An Implicit Calculus of Inductive Constructions, started in September 2006. Advisors: Bruno Barras, Gilles Dowek.

  • PhD in progress : Cyril Cohen, Formalisation des nombres algébriques en Coq, started in September 2009. Advisors: Assia Mahboubi, Benjamin Werner

  • PhD in progress : Chantal Keller, Formal proofs with SMT, started in September 2009. Advisors: Germain Faure, Benjamin Werner

  • PhD in progress : Victor Magron, Formal proofs of inequalities and semi-definite programming, started in September 2010. Advisors: Stéphane Gaubert (Maxplus project-team), Benjamin Werner

  • PhD in progress : Pierre Néron, Program transformations for embedded programs, started in September 2010. Advisor: Gilles Dowek.

  • PhD in progress : Qian Wang, An extension of the Calculus of Constructions with decidable theories, started in September 2011. Advisors: Bruno Barras, Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (Formes, Inria Beijing)